The Countess Walkthrough Part 4

Walkthroughs for Blackwell Convergence

The Park Gallery & The Countess

After leaving the Meltzer Foundation you should head back to Rosa's and look at Paul's business card. You'll notice his Bmail address is, and you already know the password is Tennis53.

Have Rosa use Paul's username and password and login to his account. Click on each of the emails. You'll notice a few interesting ones, including a mention of the gallery's public opening tonight.

When you shut off the computer Joey will make a comment that you need to be at that opening to speak to Claude. That is your next destination.

Warning: To get the Steam Achievement Art Medium, your conversation with Claude must follow an exact pattern so that you can convince Claude you understand art on the first try. Read the instructions on speaking to Claude below before having Rosa talk to him.

At the Park Gallery speak to Claude. You need to give the right responses in a series of dialogues. As Claude moves from painting to painting click on him and respond correctly to his challenges.

The responses in order are:

1. The Countess (your only option)
2. The Dark Lady (she answers automatically)
3. Understanding Art
4. The hard lines in this painting are really provocative
5. Does this painting represent darkness in shadow?
6. Why is one side so colorful and the other so dark?

He will then suggest speaking in private on the Fire Escape.

To get any information from Claude about the Countess you will need to answer all of his questions correctly.

Once you go outside and start the conversation with Claude on the Fire Escape, you'll trigger an automatic scene to unfold. There is nothing you can actually do except watch.

Our walkthrough for Blackwell Convergence continues with:

The Countess & The Endgame Walkthrough - Blackwell Convergance