
Raw & Processed Resources - Ark Survival Evolved

Hides are a fundamental resource in Ark and are used in a wide variety of crafting projects. Hides are also used in the creation of Gasoline, which is the principal fuel source in Ark.

Hides are harvested from various animals in Ark and are used in a wide variety of crafting projects.

Harvesting Hides

Hides are harvested from the various creatures found in Ark. For the most part, the bigger the creature, the greater number of hides you may get from it. The best tool to use for harvesting hides is the hatchet, with metal being far better than stone. While smaller creatures may only yield one or two hides, the larger creatures can produce much more. This is a random drop, however, and it is entirely possible that you won't get any hides from a smaller creature.

The Stone Hatchet is the basic wood gathering tool in Ark. You can also get small amounts of Thatch with this tool as well.

The Metal Hatchet is the main handheld tool for gathering wood in Ark. It will also produce small amounts of Thatch.