Full Mortal Jacket Walkthrough

Walkthroughs For Ghost Master Act 3

Full Mortal Jacket is an assignment that requires your best haunters. We noticed this level crashes a lot.

In this Full Mortal Jacket Walkthrough we will free Whisperwind, Moonscream, Raindancer, and get aTriple Jack-O-Lantern Ghost Master Scare Rating.

Detailed walkthrough for the Ghost Master assignment Full Mortal Jacket.

Recommended Haunters:


Your best haunters with these powers:


List of recommended haunters for the Ghost Master assignment Full Mortal Jacket. Haunters include Blair Wisp, Buck, Scarecrow, Clatterclaws, Hogwash, Firetail, Harriet, and Dragoon

Important Locations:

The first thing to look at in our walkthrough is the layout of Full Mortal Jacket, including the important locations.

1. Wisakejak is bound to the totem in the General's office. The totem must be burned, and this is best done with Bonfire.

Full Mortal Jacket Walkthrough - the important locations.

Clearing the mortals

This is completely dependent on your haunters. You can mount ambushes inside, outside, or both. The Trojan Gift Power will let you pretty much choose which it will be. The front gate is, however, an interesting place to mount such an attack.

You can also use the jeeps in the parking lot or the parking garage, though Surge doesn't seem to work well in these locations.

The memorial is another good location, as is near the central bathrooms & showers. Here you can bind either Lady Rose or Trica for gifts, and use Wisakejak for more gifts.

Beware of the priest. He is the only trouble you'll find other than possibly frequent crashes. Lay your trap well, and use Obsession to draw them in.

Full Mortal Jacket: Revisits & Extras

About the only difference for a revisit would be to upgrade your best haunters and try different combinations to see what works best for you. We were able to get a Triple Jack-O-Lantern Scare Rating the first time by following the Full Mortal Jacket walkthrough above.

Wisakejak - Ghost Master Haunter Details

We hope that this Full Mortal Jacket Walkthrough has helped you, and we hope that you enjoy your time as a Ghost Master!