Whirlweird - Ghost Master Haunter Details

Complete List of Haunters for Ghost Master Act 1

Stonewall is one of the starting haunters in Ghost Master.

Whirlweird - Fetter: Child

These are the powers and associated costs for Whirlweird. Powers marked with a * are the powers Whirlweird starts with and these cannot be changed. Purchase costs are shown in brackets ().

Fool's Errand *
Tremor (75)
Blow Fuse *
Ice Breath (250)
Jinx *

Kinesis *
Spooky Stack - Wild & Crazy (1000)
Flood - Twister (1500)
TK Storm *

Complete list of Whirlweird's powers and their purchase prices.

Recommended For These Assignments

Whirlweird is recommended for these assignments:

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