Ghostbreakers Walkthrough Part 2

Walkthroughs For Ghost Master Act 3

Freeing Windwalker

Windwalker is trapped in a cell in the basement.

The only way to free Windwalker is to shut down the ESD. To do that, you need to get a Haunter into the room in the basement with the power for the Red Ward and the ESD. To do that... you need an Ethereal Gift and a good dose of manipulation.

Breaking the Ghostbreakers

We'll start the walkthrough by taking out the Green Ward. To do this all you need to do is bind Hogwash to the van out back and use Blackout.

A good second move is to bring in all of your Surge capable haunters. You want to bind one in the basement on the power supply to the Blue Ward.

Now you'll need plasm so try a Surge in the main room on the first floor. Don't leave any haunter's powers on for long or they could get busted.

Bind Trica in a mirror on the first floor, set for only Etheral Gift. Stick Harriet outside to create another Ethereal Gift, and then bench her.

Bind a Surge haunter to each gift. At this point if you want to Surge out the Power Supply to the Blue Ward and the Green Ward this would be a good time.

Carefully watch your haunters that get gifts carried to the basement. The instant one gets inside the Red Ward, bind them to one of the electrical fetters in the room. Drop a Surge in here, and you'll free all the trapped ghosts.

Once the Blue Ward is down, Surge out the Astral Alarm on the first floor.

You can now finish the assignment by scaring everyone off. Surge all you can, keep your haunters on the move, and drop Dragoon outside. Blue Murder can set up a good ambush site in the basement with Obsession.

Remember, the Ghostbreakers can banish your haunters. A Ghost Master with no haunters isn't very useful. During the Ghostbreakers walkthrough hit the Ghostbreakers hard and fast, Surge really shakes them up and can save a haunter from banishment.